I’m New

Whether you're looking for a congregation to call home or just stopping by for a special occasion, you will find a loving faith community that's ready to welcome you here at Immanuel! We hope this section, and some of the other pages on our website, will help you feel a little more comfortable as you prepare to join us. If you have any questions, just let us know!

Your presence makes a difference!

Our experience of prayer, worship, and song is enriched by every person who joins us in worship. We hope you feel at home enough to be as active of a participant as you feel comfortable. We invite you to complete one of the blue Welcome + Connect cards in your pew and place it in the offering plate or hand it to the pastor as you leave.

You are welcome at Communion!

We believe that Christ is truly present in the gifts of bread and wine — and welcomes all people to his table. You don’t need to be a member of this or any congregation to participate. The wine we share is de-alchoholized, and gluten free wafers are available by asking the communion minister. If you need communion brought to you in your pew, please let an usher know.

We LOVE kids!

Families are an important part of our worshiping community, and we encourage you to fully participate in our worship today! A restroom with a changing table is located in the gathering area just outside the worship space. We’ve also prepared a small room with a rocking chair and quiet toys if you feel the need to step out of the space for a moment.

We’re here to help!

Our ushers (and almost anyone around you) would be happy to help you with anything — whether you need a hearing device, a pew cushion, help finding a restroom or something else — just ask! If you or someone near you experiences a medical emergency, please alert an usher to the situation right away.

Things You Should Know…

  • We follow a basic pattern for worship that many Lutherans and other liturgical traditions share: We gather, we hear God’s word, we share a meal at the Lord’s table, and we are sent into the world.

    A typical worship service lasts around an hour. If you’re joining us for a special occasion (Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, Confirmation, etc.), you can probably expect worship to last a bit longer. We gather for worship on Sunday mornings and Monday evenings, so we hope there’s a time that works for you.

    All of the songs and spoken responses you need for worship will be displayed on the screens in our worship space. For people who are musically inclined, we do include musical notation on screen, and many of our songs come from our Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal in the pews.

    We believe that worship is an encounter with God, all those gathered with us, and the generations of God’s faithful people who have come before us. There is a place for you here!

  • Yes! We believe that Christ is truly present in this meal and welcomes all people to his table. You don’t need to be a member of this or any congregation to participate.

    Holy Communion is celebrated at every worship service.

    The wine we share is de-alchoholized, and gluten free wafers are available by asking the communion minister. If you need the elements brought to you in your pew, please let an usher know.

  • Parking at a neighborhood congregation like Immanuel can be a challenge, but that’s why we have our own parking lot!

    Whether you are joining us for weekend worship or stopping in during the week, our parking lot across the street from the church at 202 North Ninth Street is the best place to park. Limited street parking is also available surrounding the building.

    When visiting the building during the week, please use the office entrance on Ninth Street. The Tenth Street door is not accessible and remains locked during the week.

Frequently Asked Questions


209 North Ninth Street
Watertown, Wisconsin 53094

Trevor Thom
Director of Congregational Life
thomt.immanuel@gmail.com | 920-261-1663

Have questions?