Small Group Ministry at Immanuel

Imagine being part of a small Christian community that meets once a month for about an hour in a home, the public library, at church, or in a local bar or restaurant for snacks, conversation, and prayer. Snowbirds could consider creating a group that meets virtually! We’ll center our small group conversations on the things that really matter: our faith and our daily lives.

Faith + Life Groups will meet monthly at the time and location that works best for them. We’ll take a break in July & August for the summer, and groups will choose if they’d like to gather in December for a Christmas party or pause during the busy holiday season. Materials will be provided, and groups can share leadership and hosting roles. After this first year, we’ll evaluate what went well and what we might like to do differently moving forward.

This is a great opportunity to connect or reconnect with our church family in a new way and invite friends or family to participate, too! You may even find your group doing additional social activities together!

2024 Faith + Life Topics

  • January — March

    In case you haven’t noticed, our society is extremely polarized. How can we find common ground? As we begin a new year (an election year, no less) and make our way through the season of Lent, we reflect on the words of the prophet Micah: “And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

    January: Do Justice.
    February: Love Kindness.
    March: Walk Humbly.

  • April — June

    In addition to book and bible studies, sermons, and sessions at church, we’ll be engaging in the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) process with our small groups, too!

    How can we best include every person in the life of our congregation? How does diversity strengthen the church?

    April: Church & LGBTQ+
    May: Church & Disability
    June: Church & Race

  • September — November

    After a break for the summer, let’s get back to basics. For 150 years, Immanuel has been a Lutheran presence in our community. ELCA Lutherans have a particular way of worshiping, working, and living that is grounded in God’s grace. We are baptized and set free to love God and neighbor!

    September: Lutherans Worship
    October: Lutherans Work
    November: Lutherans Live

Sign Up for a Group!

Trevor Thom
Director of Congregational Life | 920-261-1663

Have questions?