New Church Directory - Submit Your Pictures!

We are excited to announce that work is beginning on a new church directory in anticipation of our 150th anniversary!

We will be using a service called Instant Church Directory, which will allow members to access the directory through a secure website and app AND allow the church office to publish printed copies of the directory whenever they are needed. One of the exciting benefits is that this directory can be continuously updated. As contact information changes and new members join the congregation, we can make those changes online instantly and print new editions as needed.

To make this successful, we need your help! Because this directory is not connected to a photo studio like previous directories have been, we will be relying on you to submit a picture of you or your family or sign up to have your picture taken by a volunteer. Please follow the tips and guidelines below or contact the church office to request someone to take your photo.

  • No Need to be Formal
    There is no need for a formal photo shoot. If you have a favorite photo from a recent vacation or holiday party, use it! Have a beloved pet? Include them in your family photo! We want our directory to reflect our Immanuel family, and we want to see the real you!

  • Keep it Current
    You may have had your best hair 25 years ago, but we want everyone to recognize you. 

  • How to Take Your Photo
    Most smartphones today take photos that are just as good as professional cameras, so feel free to use yours for your photo. Each photo will be a square shape, so keep that in mind as you're capturing yours.

  • How to Submit
    Digital submissions are highly preferred. Please send your photo to If you only have a printed copy, please bring it to the church office. If you would like the photo returned, it must be labeled.

  • We're Here to Help
    If you'd prefer that someone help you take your photo or you have any questions, please reach out to the church office or Trevor Thom, our Director of Congregational Life, at


Becoming RIC at Immanuel


68th Annual Candlelight Christmas Concert